May 23, 2024

Kafka: A New Series Explores His Life

Discover the mystery and the scandals, the romance and imagination of the iconic author whose best known works — The Metamorphosis, The Castle, and The Trial — have had an everlasting impact on world literature.

"Kafka's Life Was Far From Kafka-esque"

On paper, the Kafka's biography does not offer much glam or glamour. Born in Prague in 1883, Kafka was born into the middle class of Bohemian society, making a living as an insurance agent to support his writing ambitions. Many readers had assumed that the themes most present in his writing — existentialist, dark and poignant — found their roots in the equally drab life of the real Kafka.

Yet this new exploration of the writer's life turns these assumptions on their head. "Franz Kafka's life was far from Kafka-esque," wrote The Guardian in a recent review upon the series' release in the United Kingdom. And boy, did they nail this one! 

American audiences will have to wait until June 6 to tune in to the new series. In the meantime, the trailer for the new series is up on the ChaiFlicks Youtube channel: